What To Know About Closing Fees In A Real Estate Transaction

A family of 5 with 3 young children moving into their new Fulshear Texas Home

Closing fees, also known as closing costs, are an essential part of any real estate transaction, whether you’re buying or selling a property. These costs are paid at the “closing” of the deal, hence the name, and can significantly impact the overall financial dynamics of buying or selling a property. Here’s what you need to know about closing fees:

Overview Of Real Estate Transaction Costs

Closing costs refer to the various fees and expenses that buyers and sellers incur to complete a real estate transaction. These costs can include loan origination fees, appraisal fees, title insurance, escrow fees, and more. In Texas, for example, the average closing costs for a buyer can range from 2% to 7% of the purchase price of the home.

Who Pays Closing Costs In Fulshear Texas

In most real estate transactions, both the buyer and the seller have their own set of closing costs to pay. However, who pays what can often be a point of negotiation in the sale agreement. Typically, the buyer covers costs related to their mortgage loan, while the seller covers the agent’s commission and title transfer fees.

Buyers should be prepared for costs such as the loan origination fee, appraisal fees, title insurance, and property taxes. These costs ensure a smooth and legal property transfer, protecting buyers, sellers, and lenders.

Typical Seller Costs In Texas

Sellers can expect to pay around 6%-10% of their property’s final sale price in closing costs. This includes the real estate agent commission, which typically ranges from 4-6% of the home’s sales price, and other costs associated with getting the property ready for sale.

Negotiating Buyer and Seller Costs In Fulshear

Closing fees are negotiable, and it’s possible to reduce these expenses through various strategies. Buyers can comparison shop for services listed on their loan estimate, negotiate lender fees, and look for grants and other assistance programs. Sellers can also negotiate with buyers to cover some of their portion of the closing costs.

Reducing Costs For Buyers and Sellers

  • Comparison Shopping: Buyers can shop around for lower-priced vendors for services such as pest inspections, surveys, and title insurance.
  • Lender Fees: Many lenders charge loan-related costs, and buyers might be able to negotiate these fees down.
  • Seller Credits: Buyers can ask sellers to contribute towards their closing costs, which can be reflected as “seller credits” on the loan estimate form.
  • No-Closing-Cost Options: Some lenders offer no-closing-cost loan options in exchange for a higher interest rate, which can save upfront costs but may cost more in the long run.
  • Assistance Programs: Many cities, counties, and states have down payment and closing cost assistance programs for qualified homebuyers.


Understanding and negotiating closing fees can help both buyers and sellers save money and ensure a smoother transaction. It’s essential to work closely with real estate professionals, such as agents and lenders, to navigate these costs effectively.