What is the Eligibility Criteria for NACA’s Homebuyer Program


The eligibility criteria for NACA’s homebuyer program is carefully crafted. Furthermore, to ensure that individuals who participate in the program are fully prepared for the responsibilities of homeownership and share the organization’s mission. Additionally, these criteria encompass a range of factors that applicants must meet in order to qualify.

General Eligibility

Firstly, there are general eligibility requirements that applicants need to satisfy, including being a first-time homebuyer and having a steady source of income.

1. Income Levels

Priority Memebers:

Homebuyers whose income is less than 100% of the median income for the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) where they are purchasing. However, priority Members can purchase their home anywhere.

Non-Priority Members:

Homebuyers with income equal to or greater than the median income for an MSA must purchase in a US Census Tract where the median income is less than 100% of the median income for that MSA (“Priority Area”).

2. Property Ownership

Additionally, no member of the household can have an ownership interest in any other property at the time of closing.

3. Occupancy Requirement

Borrowers must live in the property as long as they have a NACA mortgag.

4. Participation in NACA Activities

Members must participate in five actions and activities a year, including at least one prior to NACA Qualification and one prior to closing, to support NACA’s mission of economic justice.

5. Membership and Fees

Also, NACA membership is required, with an annual fee of $25. Members must also be willing to abide by NACA’s terms of membership, participation, and eligibility.

Financial and Documentation Requirements

Additionally, financial and documentation requirements must be met, such as demonstrating the ability to make mortgage payments and providing proof of income and assets.

1. Payment History

NACA does not rely on credit scores but instead focuses on a 12-month payment history, particularly timely rent payments. Thus, this is part of their “character-based lending” approach.

2. Debt-to-Income Ratio

In addition, the maximum debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is 40-43% of gross monthly income, and the mortgage payment should not exceed 31-35% of gross monthly income.

3. Savings Requirement

Likewise, members must save the difference between their current rent and the future mortgage payment for 3-6 months, demonstrating their ability to handle the new mortgage payment (referred to as “Payment Shock Savings“).

4. Documentation

Nonetheless, members must provide full documentation, including pay stubs, tax returns, W-2s, and bank statements. Self-employed individuals need to provide 12 months of bank statements.

Eligibility criteria for NACA's homebuyer program

Additional Requirements

NACA also has additional requirements, such as attending homeownership workshops and counseling sessions to enhance financial literacy and knowledge about the homebuying process.

1. Hombuyer Workshop

Attendance at a Homebuyer Workshop is mandatory. This workshop provides an overview of the home buying process, real estate issues, and mortgage options.

2. Housing Counseling

Members must undergo comprehensive housing counseling to prepare for homeownership. This includes creating a budget, identifying savings opportunities, and developing an action plan to become NACA Qualified.

3. Property Eligibility

Eligible properties include single-family homes, multifamily homes, condos, co-ops, townhomes, mixed-use properties, and manufactured and modular homes. Properties such as log homes, empty land, operating farms, and mobile homes are not eligible.

4. Post-Purchase Assistance

NACA provides ongoing support for homeowners, including budgeting, foreclosure prevention, and other assistance through their Membership Assistance Program (MAP).

What is the Eligibility Criteria for NACA's Homebuyer Program | Conclusion

In summary, NACA’s homebuyer program aims to assist low-to-moderate income individuals and communities by providing them with comprehensive support, including counseling services, financial preparation, and access to a unique mortgage product that doesn’t solely rely on credit scores. Furthermore, the program requires active participation and adherence to NACA’s guidelines to ensure successful and sustainable homeownership.

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Contact Information

To schedule a coffee date or learn more about what is the eligibility criteria for NACA’s homebuyer program, contact Terra Point Realty at 713-766-1697. Their friendly and knowledgeable team is ready to assist you with what is the eligibility criteria for NACA’s homebuyer program. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to live in your dream house – schedule a coffee date today and start your journey towards what is the eligibility criteria for NACA’s homebuyer program.

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