Check Which Direction the Windows Face to Save on Energy Costs

Check Which Direction the Windows Face to Save on Energy Costs

Check Which Direction the Windows Face to Save on Energy Costs

‍ A home’s windows can have a large impact on its energy efficiency — and its utility costs. If you’re buying a new home or remodeling an existing one, it’s important to know which direction the windows face so that you can take the necessary steps to make it more energy-efficient. These days, most houses are built with their front-facing east to get the best early morning light, but your home may not face this way. To be sure, check with the county property tax assessor’s office and ask them if they have records of where secondary structures like detached garages are located on the property. If you don’t have such information, there are other ways to tell which direction your windows face. Here are some helpful tips to help you determine which way your windows face:
Check Which Direction the Windows Face to Save on Energy Costs

Check Which Direction the Windows Face to Save on Energy Costs

Check the Windows Location

The location of windows set into the floor of an above-ground structure is more difficult to determine; however, there are ways to do so.

Look at the Roof Shapes

If the roof slopes in one direction, the windows on that side of the house are likely facing that direction. If the roof is flat, the windows are most likely facing east.
Check Which Direction the Windows Face to Save on Energy Costs

Check Which Direction the Windows Face to Save on Energy Costs

Check the Foundation

The foundation of a home is a good indication of the direction the windows face. If the foundation is made of concrete, it is likely facing towards the north. If the foundation is made of brick or stone, it is likely facing towards the south.

Be Careful When Using Appliance Detectors

Many people use appliance detectors to determine which way the windows face. Unfortunately, they are not always accurate. The detectors detect the magnetic field of the metal components of the appliances and will therefore indicate the direction in which the metal is facing, not the windows. If the metal is facing one direction, the windows may face the opposite direction.


The direction that windows face does make a difference in energy efficiency. Therefore, you must know which direction your windows face so you can take the necessary steps to make them more energy-efficient. If you don’t know which way your windows face, you can use one of the methods described above to determine which direction your windows face.

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