Top Home Cleaning Tips to Help Sell Your House Faster


Selling a house can be a daunting task, but with a little extra effort and attention to detail, you can greatly increase your chances of a quick and successful sale. In addition, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is the cleanliness of the property. A clean and well-maintained house not only attracts potential buyers but also creates a positive and lasting impression. Furthermore, in this blog post, Stacy Burgin from Terra Point Realty shares her top home cleaning tips that will help you sell your house faster.

Secondly, to sell your house faster, a thorough cleaning is essential. Therefore, here are some effective home cleaning tips that can enhance your property’s appeal and potentially increase its selling price:

General Cleaning Strategies

Declutter and Organize

Before you start the cleaning process, it’s important to declutter and organize your home. Therefore, remove any unnecessary items, personal belongings, and excess furniture. Also, a clutter-free space allows potential buyers to visualize their own belongings in the house and creates a sense of space and openness. Additionally, a clutter-free environment makes rooms appear larger and more inviting.

Deep Clean Every Surface

Start by giving your house a thorough deep clean. Pay special attention to high-traffic areas such as the kitchen and bathrooms. For example, clean all surfaces, including countertops, sinks, faucets, appliances, and floors. Also, don’t forget to clean the windows, mirrors, and light fixtures as well. These rooms significantly impact buyers’ impressions. Therefore, ensure surfaces are spotless, appliances are clean, and fixtures shine. Furthermore, a sparkling clean home gives the impression that the property has been well-maintained.

Use the Right Cleaning Supplies

Utilize appropriate cleaning products for different surfaces to avoid damage. For example, use glass cleaner for windows and all-purpose cleaner for counters.

Room-Specific Tips


Clean Appliances:

Wipe down all appliances inside and out. Pay special attention to the refrigerator and oven, ensuring they are free of grime and odors.

Organize Cabinets and Drawers:

A neat kitchen can sell a home quickly. Organize items to create a tidy appearance.


Scrub Fixtures:

Ensure the toilet, sink, and tub are spotless. Clean grout and remove any mold or mildew to make the bathroom feel fresh and inviting.

Freshen Up:

Consider adding a new shower curtain or bath mat for a quick refresh.

Living Areas

Dust and Vacuum:

Dust all surfaces, including shelves and baseboards, and vacuum carpets thoroughly. Clean windows and window treatments to enhance light and visibility.

Brighten Up:

Replace any burnt-out light bulbs and clean light fixtures to ensure the space feels bright and welcoming.

Freshen Up the Walls

A fresh coat of paint can work wonders in making your home look more appealing. Stick to neutral colors that can help potential buyers envision their own style and décor. Patch up any holes or cracks in the walls before painting, as these can be distracting and give the impression of neglect.

Pay Attention to Flooring

Clean and well-maintained flooring can greatly enhance the overall appeal of your home. Vacuum carpets, mop hardwood floors, and steam clean any tile or grout. If there are any stains or damages that cannot be fixed, consider investing in professional cleaning or even replacing the flooring if necessary.

Final Touches

Don't Neglect the Exterior

Enhance Curb Appeal:

First impressions matter, so don’t forget to clean the exterior of your house as well. Power wash the siding and walkways, clean the windows, and ensure that the front yard is well-maintained. Trim bushes, mow the lawn, and add some beautiful potted plants or flowers to create an inviting entrance. Moreover, a tidy entrance creates a strong first impression.

Eliminate Odors

Unpleasant odors can be a major turn-off for potential buyers. Remove any sources of unpleasant smells. Such as, trash or pet odors. Ensure that your house smells fresh and clean by using air fresheners or opening windows to let in fresh air. For example, consider using subtle air fresheners or natural scents like vanilla or citrus to create a welcoming atmosphere. Avoid strong fragrances that may be overpowering, as some people may be sensitive to certain scents.

Hire Professionals if Needed

If you’re short on time or feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to hire professional cleaners. They have the expertise and equipment to deep clean your home efficiently and effectively. Investing in professional cleaning services can be well worth it, as it can significantly speed up the selling process.

Prepare for Showings

Create a quick-clean checklist for last-minute tidying before showings. This can include making beds, wiping down surfaces, and removing clutter from visible areas.

Best Home Cleaning Tips to Help Sell Your House Faster | Conclusion

In conclusion, when it comes to selling your house, cleanliness is key. By following these home cleaning tips shared by Stacy Burgin from Terra Point Realty, you can create a welcoming and attractive environment that will impress potential buyers. Remember, a clean and well-maintained house not only increases the chances of a quick sale but also allows buyers to envision themselves living in their new home. So roll up your sleeves, put on your cleaning gloves, and get ready to sell your house faster than ever before!

Get the scoop on your home value

Contact Information

To schedule a coffee date or learn more about best home cleaning tips to help sell your house faster, contact Terra Point Realty at 713-766-1697. Their friendly and knowledgeable team is ready to assist you with best home cleaning tips to help sell your house faster. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to live in your dream house – schedule a coffee date today and start your journey towards best home cleaning tips to help sell your house faster.

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