5 Reasons Why A Stucco Home Might Be Right For You

5 Reasons Why A Stucco Home Might Be Right For You

5 Reasons Why A Stucco Home Might Be Right For You

Want to know the best part about owning a stucco home? There are so many reasons why owning a stucco home might be right for you! If you’ve been considering selling your house or looking for a new investment property; then you have probably heard about the recent stucco houses popping up all over the country. Stucco is a type of wall covering that is made up of small, solid aggregates (sand, gravel, or crushed stone) bonded together with a water-resistant; fine-textured mortar. The aggregate is coated with a mixture of fine plaster and micaceous and/or aluminous oxide. Since this material is so durable; many homeowners have decided to apply stucco to their homes. However, this is not always a good idea. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of owning a stucco home, and give you some ideas on the best ways to make it work for you.
5 reasons Why A Stucco Home might be right for you

5 reasons Why A Stucco Home might be right for you

What is stucco?

Stucco is a type of exterior wall covering that is made up of small, solid aggregates (sand, gravel, or crushed stone) bonded together with a water-resistant, fine-textured mortar. The aggregate is often coated with a mixture of fine plaster and micaceous and/or aluminous oxide. Because this material is so durable; many homeowners have decided to apply stucco to their homes. However, this is not always a good idea.
Why would you want to own a stucco home?
Stucco homes are a popular choice in many areas of the country due to their relative affordability and durability. During a building boom, they’re often a bargain since they’re less expensive than other types of construction. They’re also attractive, which appeals to some buyers who see stucco as an upgrade over wood-frame homes. If you’re in this situation, then you may want to think twice before putting a stucco house on the market.
5 Reasons Why A Stucco Home Might Be Right For You

5 Reasons Why A Stucco Home Might Be Right For You

Stucco Pros

– Low maintenance – Compared to other types of exterior siding, stucco requires the least amount of upkeep. The only thing you really need to watch for is keeping the gutters clean; and the exterior walls clean. – No moisture problems – One of the biggest concerns with stucco is that it may be susceptible to water damage, particularly from rain and snow. However, stucco is actually very resistant to water damage, and most exterior walls don’t need to be waterproofed. – Long-lasting – Stucco is practically indestructible. It can last for decades without needing a fresh coat of paint. – Looks good from the outside – Stucco is a very durable material that can last for years without showing any signs of wear and tear; and makes it a great choice for exterior walls, as it doesn’t have to be repainted very often.

Stucco Cons

– Expensive – While the initial cost of putting up stucco may be relatively low. You’ll likely end up paying more for the long term. The cost is due to routine maintenance, which can be a bit time-consuming and expensive. – Routine maintenance – Perhaps the most significant expense of owning a stucco home is the routine maintenance required to keep it looking nice. That said, this is a factor that many homeowners overlook when deciding whether stucco is right for them.
Should You Buy a Stucco Home?
While stucco is a durable, attractive exterior material that requires minimal maintenance, it’s not always a wise investment. If you’re looking for a new investment property; you may want to think twice about buying a stucco home. They’re often a lower-income area and are less desirable than other types of homes. Plus, if the economy tightens and high-interest rates return; you could be in trouble since stucco homes often carry high interest rates.


Owning a stucco home might sound like a great idea; but it’s important to remember that stucco comes with a lot of potential downsides. If you’re looking for a durable exterior wall covering, another type of siding may be a better choice for you.

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