Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

The changing of the season is here! From crisp mornings to warm afternoons and evenings, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons. And with it comes the change to your home, as well. The changing of the season means that you’ll need to prepare your home for coolness. There are so many things you can do to help you usher in this new season from within and out. Here are some tips that will help you prepare your home for autumn.

Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

Purchase a programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat can help you change your home’s temperature more easily. This is important for autumn because the temperatures are often cooler than those of the summer. With a programmable thermostat, you can change your home’s temperature as often as you desire—when the temperature in your home is too warm, you can increase the temperature by a few degrees and when it’s too cold, you can increase the temperature by a few degrees as well. This can be especially nice in the fall when the temperature often is a few degrees cooler than it was in summer.

Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

Fertilize your lawn

In the fall, it’s important to fertilize your lawn before the grass gets too long. This means that while the grass is still shorter than normal, you want to fertilize it to promote a lush green lawn. You can do this with a fertilizer that is specially formulated for the season. This is because the grass takes in less water in autumn, so you don’t want to add too much water to the lawn.


Reverse your ceiling fans

As the temperature drops, your ceiling fans start to slow down. In the fall, you can reverse this by reversing the rotation of your ceiling fan. This can be helpful if you live in an area that gets a lot of wind because it will keep your home a little warmer against the cold gusts. You can easily reverse your ceiling fan by locating the little switch on the fan.

Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

Clean the gutters

In the fall, you’ll want to make sure your gutters are clean. During the summer months, the temperature can fluctuate a lot, so your gutters can get a lot of dust and dirt, which can lead to the build-up of mold and other issues. You can easily clean your gutters in the fall. You’ll want to take a ladder to get to the highest point of your house.

This can help keep your home from getting moldy in the fall.


Check smoke detectors

Smoke detectors are a great safety device. However, when it’s cooler outside, you might notice that the batteries in the smoke detectors start to get low. If this happens, you’ll want to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. This can be a problem in the fall, as the weather starts to cool off and your smoke detectors will start to die out. To change the batteries in your smoke detectors, all you’ll need is a screwdriver and a smoke detector. With the screwdriver, take out the two screws on the back of the smoke detector and remove them. Then, take out the battery and put in a fresh new one.


Check windows & doors for leaks

Fall is the season of change, and this can also be said for your doors and windows. This is the season when you’ll want to make sure that they’re free from any leaks. This is because when it gets cooler outside, your windows and doors can start to get condensation on them. If this happens, they could be damaged.



The changing of the season is one of the most beautiful times of the year. From crisp mornings to warm afternoons and warm evenings, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons. With it comes the change to your home. The fall season can be a little bit cooler than the summer, so you’ll want to make sure that you’re prepared for this with these tips.

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